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Evacuation Hurricane Prep
Thing to know

Main breaker .jpeg

Turn off main breaker before leaving

By turning off the main breaker before you leave your house it will ensure that no power is on when your house is flooded. The saltwater gets into the electrical outlets and we'll trip out and can cause a fire. Do not turn the main breaker back on until you've had a licensed electrician check everything out to make sure it is good to turn on.

Turn off all individual Breakers

Turning off all individual Breakers will ensure no power gets to any devices in your house when the power gets turned back on.

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Saltwater and floodwaters are one of the leading causes of house fires during a hurricane.

The water gets into the electrical components and shorts equipment and other devices out and has a reaction to any type of lithium batteries and they're charging systems.

Saltwater or water inside a lithium battery

Any type of water inside of a lithium battery is like a bomb just waiting to go off this reaction can cause all kinds of fires small ones or big ones it doesn't judge. When the power gets turned back on to your house and these things are plugged into their chargers they get a jolt of energy would just magnifies the situation which causes these batteries to spontaneous combust and the flames.

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